En esta Novela Visual seremos el sujeto de prueba de un científico. 

A conseguido modificar el ADN humano para transformar en una raza peluda, como animales antropomórficos. Una raza que aún la humanidad no puede verlo o acudirán al pánico.

Nuestro querido Furry tendrá muchas cosas que pasar y afrontar.

El ADN Furry será descubierto y dará luz de su existencia.

La novela visual será completada y publicada en esta pagina: ADN FURRY - The Visual Novel by Burning Wolf Games (itch.io)


ADNFurry-Día0-linux.tar.bz2 35 MB
ADNFurry-Día0-mac.zip 28 MB
ADNFurry-Día0-win.zip 45 MB

Install instructions

Descargar el archivo para vuestro sistema operativo. Luego descomprimirlo y hacer doble clic encima de la aplicación.


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Una pregunta que versión es ????

Just found this one... to be sincere, the resume of it isn't very appealing LOL

Like, the fck is gonna happen here? Will I play as the mad scientist who made the ADN and decide if I want to spread it and support furry or be agaisnt it? xP

I mean, what does the MC will do? Will it be a linear story or full of paths?

Who are the characters?

There's lots to improve on...and I dunno if they're all placehoders, but if u already have a CG of the characters, it's cool to show them (if they not will be shown until later on in the story for suspense or whatever reason).

I'm gonna try play it, but dunno if I will be able to understand haha I speak Portuguese but it's similar to Spanish in only some words, so not really that helpful... ;x



I understand that you don't understand the drama of the visual novel. I will try to explain it as succinctly as possible.

A scientist kidnaps a random person and modifies his human DNA to make him a Furry. And after escaping from his lab he will have to face his existence within humanity.

And if you ask who the main character is, he is the test subject who will get the name "Hector".

And when I do Day 1 of the visual novel, I will add your language, Portuguese and English.

Amigo sinceramente aun no he leído la vn pero podrías poner un poco de que va a tratar la historia, es que  crean a los furros y tienen que convivir con ellos no llama la atención para nada, siquiera como mínimo pon a quien seguimos en la historia y cual es el propósito de esta siquiera un poco para llamar la atención.


Gracias por tu comentario, tomare nota sobre esto e intentare mejorarlo.
Gracias por tu colaboración.